Ethical Issues
CoCirculation2 will respect fundamental ethics principles, including those reflected in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the relevant ethics rules of H2020.
Applicants will be asked in the proposal summary form to declare whether their proposed research does deal with the research areas in the ethical issues table that will be included in the proposal template. Proposals that have not filled the ethical issues table will be rejected in the eligibility check phase. In this table, applicants must declare whether any of the activities specified will be conducted during the lifetime of the project. Even if the applicants think that ethical approval is not needed, experts may still decide that ethical committee approval is needed.
Applicants wishing to carry out research that requires ethical approval need to address these issues in their proposal, and describe how they propose to deal with these ethical issues. All eligible proposals will be sent to the Ethical Committee (EC). The EC will evaluate which applicants /proposals need to provide an official approval letter form the ethical committee of the host organization. If the hosting institution of the researcher does not have its own ethics committee, the researcher is requested to obtain the approval of the geographically closest ethical committee. If any ethical approvals must be obtained, the fellow must obtain and present these to TÜBİTAK prior to the fellow starting the work for which the approval is required.
When no approval of the TÜBİTAK Ethics Committee is obtained and/or when no approval of the Local Ethics Committee is obtained, the proposal will not be funded in the CoCirculation2. To follow-up ethical issues, during the research project implementation, TÜBİTAK will ask the scientist in charge and the ER to provide information during the periodic reporting.
Examples of Local and National Ethical Committees in Turkey
1. Hacettepe University Publication Ethic Committee
2. Hacettepe University Institutional Ethic Committee
3. Hacettepe University Animal Experiments Local Ethic Committee
4. Turkish Medical Association Ethic Committee
5. General Directorate of Family and Social Research Ethic Committee
6. Ethic Committee of Prime Minister
7. Ethic Committee of Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA)
8. TÜBİTAK Animal Experiments Local Ethic Committee
9. Middle East Tech. Univ. Ethic Committee for Researches Involving Human Beings
10. Middle East Technical University Animal Experiments Local Ethic Committee
11. Gazi University School of Medicine Local Ethic Committee
12. Ankara 9. Clinical Research Local Ethic Committee
13. Ethics Advisory Committee for Clinical Trials
14. Ethics Advisory Committee for Non-Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials
In addition to above local and national Ethical Committees, every university has it’s own ethical committee.