CoCirculation2 allows for secondments, in an academic or non-academic host organisation. The secondments may last up to 6 months (3 months for call 4), they may be split in 2 periods, and they may be in Turkey or abroad. Secondments may be proposed in the project proposal or arranged in the first stages (first 6 months) of the project implementation.
Being able to include a secondment in the proposal will very beneficial for the fellows in terms of skills diversification and will give them a wider view of career options after the end of their fellowship. CoCirculation2 requires all fellows to actively engage in dissemination, communication and public engagement activities.
The secondments may also be implemented with the objective of learning a new discipline during a longer period in an academic or non-academic organisation.
Applicants who propose secondment at the application phase must provide the information and documents related to the secondment mentor and host institution on the application form via the e-bideb.
Secondment proposals will be seen as part of the research proposal and will be evaluated by experts taking the evaluation criterias into consideration. Evaluation result of the proposals that includes secondment will be indicated in the evaluation summary report.
Secondments which are proposed in the first 6 months of the fellowship will be evaluated by the expert who take part in the scientific evaluation of the project where it is possible. Researchers may go on secondment by the positive evaluation of experts and approval of SC.